Watch season 1 Episode 15 of C.H.U.E.C.O TV series show online HD

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watch C.H.U.E.C.O TV series season 1 Episode 15 online HD
Darío Barassi , Consuelo Duval , Maryel Abrego , Santiago Torres , Pato Alvarado Loza , Agustín Aristarán , Guido Massri , Macarena Giráldez , Juan Cottet , Marina Bellati , Verónica Langer , David Ostrosky , Julieta Zylberberg , Flor Benítez , Diego Gentile , Lupe Pascual , Virginia Garófalo
A widower and father of three is on the verge of ruin, but he inherits an unexpected fortune from his uncle. But the money comes with one condition: that his family takes care of Chueco, an adult chimpanzee who has a huge secret: he can talk. Hiding this won't be easy, because the chimpanzee never shuts up and will get the family in all sorts of trouble.
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