Watch season 1 Episode 4 of Damned Saint TV series show online HD

6.8/10 (4)
watch Damned Saint TV series season 1 Episode 4 online HD
Felipe Camargo , Augusto Madeira , Bárbara Luz , Ana Flavia Cavalcanti , Marina Provenzzano , Vinicius Meloni , Helena Albergaria , Mariana Sena
Reinaldo's wife is in a vegetative state, bringing him to decide to euthanize her to end her suffering. However, as if by a miracle, she wakes up. Reinaldo did not know it, but he was being filmed at the time. Samuel, a failed pastor, offers Reinaldo — now drowning in medical debt — money to be a preacher, sending the atheist Reinaldo down a strange and unlikely path to become a religious leader.
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