Watch season 1 Episode 6 of Doctor Lawyer TV series show online HD

7.222/10 (36)
watch Doctor Lawyer TV series season 1 Episode 6 online HD
So Ji-sub , Shin Sung-rok , Im Soo-hyang , Lee Ju-bin , Lee Kyung-young , Lee Dong-ha , Woo Hyun-ju , Kim Ho-jung , Choi Deok-moon , Kim Hyeong-mook , Lee Seung-wook , Nam Myung-ryeol , Kang Kyung-hun , Jung Min-ah , Park Sun-hye
The heartwarming story of a genius surgeon who becomes a lawyer specializing in medical crimes after losing a patient to a surgical malpractice. Cathartic and suspenseful, this medical and legal drama paints the courtroom like an operating room, where a life may end or be given a fresh start.
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