Watch season 1 Episode 3 of FreeKs TV series show online HD

6.5/10 (6)
watch FreeKs TV series season 1 Episode 3 online HD
Guido Pennelli , Julián Cerati , Alan Madanes , Pablo Turturiello , Gastón Vietto , Julia Tozzi , Pablo Sultani , Yamila Safdie , Malena Ratner , Marcelo de Bellis , Agustina Cabo , Santiago Stieben , Tupac Larriera , Malena Narvay , Daniela Améndola , Mariana Torres , Diego Romero , Alejandro Müller
Gaspar is forced to leave the band he created when Ludovico, Coco, Juani, and Ulises accuse him of stealing money from their shows. The accusation goes viral and leads to a social media outcry as FreeKs grows more successful without him. Gaspar tries to find the person who framed him and watches his former bandmates being manipulated by the music industry. He will have to prove his innocence in order to reclaim his place in the band.
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