Watch season 1 Episode 3 of García! TV series show online HD

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watch García! TV series season 1 Episode 3 online HD
Francisco Ortiz , Veki Velilla , Emilio Gutiérrez Caba , Francisco Reyes , Daniel Freire , Silvia Abascal , Andrés Gertrúdix , Diego Martín , Nico Romero , Pepe Ocio , Marina Gatell , Juan Ventas , Mario Pardo , Helio Pedregal , Miguel Molina
In a present-day Spain, divided and on the brink of political chaos, inquisitive millennial investigative reporter Antonia stumbles on a decades-old conspiracy: the existence of a cryogenically frozen super-agent, García, created in a laboratory in the 1950s by General Franco’s fascist secret services. The old-world collides with the new as García and Antonia must learn to work together as they are drawn deeper and deeper into a political conspiracy that threatens to overthrow democracy and plunge Spain back into brutal dictatorship.
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