Watch season 1 Episode 22 of Golden Boy TV series show online HD

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watch Golden Boy TV series season 1 Episode 22 online HD
Afra Saraçoğlu , Mert Ramazan Demir , Gülçin Santırcıoğlu , Emre Altuğ , Beril Pozam , Gözde Kansu , Diren Polatoğulları , Ersin Arıcı , Irem Altug , Sezin Bozacı , Hülya Duyar , Şerif Sezer , Çetin Tekindor , Yigit Tuncay , Selen Özbayrak , Binnur Kaya , Taro Emir Tekin , Cemre Gümeli
A young girl is forced to marry a rich groom. The groom is not only rich, but also allows himself to live without any restrictions or obligations. Will married life change his habits? And how will such a man be accepted by a good-hearted wife?
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