Watch season 1 Episode 2 of Holding TV series show online HD

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watch Holding TV series season 1 Episode 2 online HD
Conleth Hill , Pauline McLynn , Demi Isaac Oviawe , Charlene McKenna , Brenda Fricker , Helen Behan , Clinton Liberty , Eleanor Tiernan , Siobhán McSweeney , Amy Conroy , Gary Shelford , Sky Yang , Felix Brown , Lochlann O'Mearáin , Olwen Fouéré , Pat Kinevane , Anne Kent , Norma Sheahan
Local police officer Sergeant PJ Collins is a gentle man who hides from people and fills his days with comfort food and half-hearted police work. He is one of life's outsiders, lovable, but lonely and a bit rubbish at his job. When the body of long-lost local legend Tommy Burke is discovered, PJ is called to solve a serious crime for the first time in his career. Unearthing long buried secrets, PJ finally connects with the village he has tried so hard to avoid.
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