Watch season 1 Episode 6 of King of Stonks TV series show online HD

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watch King of Stonks TV series season 1 Episode 6 online HD
Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht , Thomas Schubert , Matthias Brandt , Larissa Sirah Herden , Maryam Zaree , Jasin Challah , Andreas Döhler , Eva Löbau , Thomas Perkins , Uschi Glas , Christian Tramitz , Sophia Burtscher , Altine Emini , Thekla Viloo Fliesberg , Benjamin Höppner , Rouven Israel , Ricarda Seifried , Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg , Julian Sark , Felicia Chin-Malenski , Kais Setti , Mehmet Ali Salman , Miriam Fiordeponti , Birgit Linauer , Reinhold G. Moritz , Jean-Luc Bubert , Bibiana Beglau
Felix Armand wants to be at the top. Because once he's there, he can finally be a decent human being. After all, he's the damn mastermind behind the most successful FinTech company of all time, and all of Germany: the CableCash AG. Unfortunately, everything is already blowing up in Felix's face during the IPO: Money laundering, investor deception, internet pornography. As a medium-sized company, you certainly don't get applauded for using such methods by the German public.
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