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Watch season 1 Episode 6 of Mysterious Creatures with Forrest Galante TV series show online HD

Mysterious Creatures with Forrest Galante
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watch Mysterious Creatures with Forrest Galante TV series season 1 Episode 6 online HD

Country: US
Cast: Jessica Summerfield , Forrest Galante
Wildlife biologist Forrest Galante has spent his life tracking and rediscovering animals 'lost' to extinction, from his historic rediscovery of the Fernandina Tortoise to the elusive Dracula monkey and more. Now, in an all-new series, Forrest, along with his wife and zoologist, Jessica Summerfield, travel across the globe from Mozambique to the Pacific Northwest, to investigate reports of 'strange sightings,' 'legendary creatures' and 'mysterious encounters' between humans and wildlife that may not only lead to conflict but may further lead to that animal extinction behind the local lore. Forrest's goal is to end the conflict and to solve the riddles behind the local legends and mysteries before these animals truly become 'mythological' due to extinction.
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