Watch season 1 Episode 5 of New Bandits TV series show online HD

7.8/10 (30)
watch New Bandits TV series season 1 Episode 5 online HD
Allan Souza Lima , Alice Carvalho , Thainá Duarte , Ricardo Blat , Marcélia Cartaxo , Hermila Guedes , Enio Cavalcante , Adélio Lima , Pedro Lamin , Nivaldo Nascimento , Pedro Wagner , Rodrigo Garcia , Joálisson Cunha , Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
Adrift and desperately needing money to pay for his ailing adoptive father's care, Ubaldo, a bank clerk who's unable to remember his childhood, receives an inheritance that will change his destiny for good. He goes to Cratará, in the heart of the northwest desert, where he'll become the leader of a pack of ruthless bandits, fulfilling the legacy of his biological father - a mythical cangaceiro.
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