Watch season 1 Episode 21 of Pablo Escobar: The Drug Lord TV series show online HD

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watch Pablo Escobar: The Drug Lord TV series season 1 Episode 21 online HD
Andrés Parra , Angie Cepeda , Vicky Hernández , Nicolás Montero , Marcela Gallego , Ernesto Benjumea , Christian Tappán , Cecilia Navia , Eileen Moreno , Germán Quintero , Mauricio Mejía , Francisco Bolívar , Lucho Velasco , Laura Osma , Susana Torres
Pablo is a man with a natural ability for business. Early in his life, Pablo is introduced to the business of cocaine and the power it yields. A young life of crime lands Pablo in and out of jail as he builds his criminal empire. Pablo expands his power through politics but it is not long before his conflicts as a Congressman and a drug lord collide. Pablo has his enemies executed, but not before the United States activates its own war on the Medellin cartel.
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