Watch season 1 Episode 8 of Repatriated TV series show online HD

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watch Repatriated TV series season 1 Episode 8 online HD
Ricardo Abarca , Paco Rueda , Dagoberto Gama , Valeria Burgos , Coco Máxima , Armando Hernández , Chappell Bunch , Estrella Solís , Raquel Robles , Ian Sebastian Kasnoff , Erick Cañete , Esteban Caicedo , Sonya Smith
Leonel Reina is a young Latino boxer with dreams of becoming a champion. But Leonel’s dreams are derailed when he’s deported to Mexico and discovers that he was never naturalized as an American citizen. In a country where he doesn’t speak the language, Leonel unexpectedly finds himself reconnecting with his roots and making new friends who set out to help him find his way back home.
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