Watch season 1 Episode 4 of Sumo Do, Sumo Don't TV series show online HD

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watch Sumo Do, Sumo Don't TV series season 1 Episode 4 online HD
Shono Hayama , Rikka Ihara , Himi Sato , Megumi Sato , Kashio Atsuki , Rion Takahashi
Ryota Moriyama, a senior at Kyoritsu University, receives a job offer at a first-rate company but gets dumped by Saki Nishino. His professor tells him that he can graduate on the condition that he joins the sumo club and competes in at least one match. With only a single member, Honoka Oba, for the past two years, the sumo club is on the brink of collapse. In order to graduate, Ryota endures Honoka’s strict training methods and starts to recruit other members.
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