Watch season 1 Episode 9 of The Club TV series show online HD

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watch The Club TV series season 1 Episode 9 online HD
Gökçe Bahadır , Barış Arduç , Fırat Tanış , Asude Kalebek , Salih Bademci , Metin Akdülger , Merve Şeyma Zengin , İştar Gökseven , Doğanay Ünal , Murat Garipağaoğlu , Suzan Kardeş , Umut Öztok , İbrahim Şahin , Nalan Olcayalp , Onur Durmaz , Hülya Duyar , Hazım Körmükçü , Serra Arıtürk
In cosmopolitan 1950s Istanbul, a mother with a troubled past works at a nightclub to reconnect with and help the rebellious daughter she couldn’t raise.
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