Watch season 1 Episode 2 of The Co-Ed Killer: Mind of a Monster TV series show online HD

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watch The Co-Ed Killer: Mind of a Monster TV series season 1 Episode 2 online HD
Cruising Santa Cruz's ocean highways, Edmund Kemper appears to be a 6'9" gentle giant who offers hundreds of young female hitchhikers a ride. But behind his charming smile and signature gold-rimmed glasses lurks a brutal and perverted monster. In 1973, while awaiting trial, Kemper was interviewed by psychiatrist Dr. Donald Lunde. Lunde records Kemper's detailed confession on audiotape. For 50 years these tapes were locked away and forgotten, but now they are public for the first time and reveal a tormented childhood, dark sexual fantasies, and a thirst for revenge on the person he despises most, his own mother.
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