Watch season 1 Episode 1 of The Pale Horse TV series show online HD

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watch The Pale Horse TV series season 1 Episode 1 online HD
Rufus Sewell , Kaya Scodelario , Georgina Campbell , Sean Pertwee , Bertie Carvel , Kathy Keira Clarke , Sheila Atim , Rita Tushingham , James Fleet , Madeleine Bowyer , Poppy Gilbert , Claire Skinner , Henry Lloyd-Hughes , Sarah Woodward , Kim Chapman , Ellen Robertson , Martin Buchan
After a list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman, one of the named people begins investigating and is drawn to the The Pale Horse, the home of a trio of rumored witches living in a small village. Word has it that the witches can do away with wealthy relatives using dark arts.
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