Watch season 1 Episode 4 of The Serpent Queen TV series show online HD

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watch The Serpent Queen TV series season 1 Episode 4 online HD
Samantha Morton , Liv Hill , Amrita Acharia , Barry Atsma , Enzo Cilenti , Sennia Nanua , Kiruna Stamell , Nicholas Burns , Beth Goddard , Raza Jaffrey , Danny Kirrane , Ray Panthaki
Considered an immigrant, common and plain, Catherine de Medici is married into the 16th century French court as an orphaned teenager expected to bring a fortune in dowry and produce many heirs, only to discover that her husband is in love with an older woman, her dowry is unpaid and she’s unable to concieve. Yet, only with her intelligence and determination, she manages to keep her marriage alive and masters the bloodsport that is the monarchy better than anyone else, ruling France for 50 years.
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