Watch season 1 Episode 5 of You're Nothing Special TV series show online HD

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watch You're Nothing Special TV series season 1 Episode 5 online HD
Dèlia Brufau , Jordi Aguilar , Miriam Cabeza , Elia Galera , Óscar de la Fuente , Gabriel Guevara , Unai Arana , Ainara Pérez , Jaime Wang , Hilary Yanela , María Mercado , Andrew Grace
Amaia's life, according to her, just sucks. Overnight, she has to say goodbye to her life in Barcelona, where she has all her friends and her day to day already established, to go live in her mother's village, where NOTHING ever happens. However, she will soon discover something that could turn her life around... that perhaps she has inherited the powers of her grandmother: a woman she never met, but with the reputation of being the only witch that has ever lived in the town of Salabarria.
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