Watch Padre Pio movie Online free HD

watch Padre Pio full HD movie online stream free
Germany , Italy , United Kingdom , United States of America
Shia LaBeouf , Cristina Chiriac , Marco Leonardi , Asia Argento , Vincenzo Crea
Info: Padre Pio
It is the end of World War I and the young Italian soldiers are making their way back to San Giovanni Rotondo, a land of poverty, with a tradition of violence and submission to the iron-clad rule of the church and its wealthy landowners. Families are desperate, the men are broken, albeit victorious. Padre Pio also arrives, at a remote Capuchin monastery, to begin his ministry, evoking an aura of charisma, saintliness and epic visions of Jesus, Mary and the Devil himself. The eve of the first free elections in Italy sets the stage for a massacre with a metaphorical dimension: an apocalyptic event that changes the course of history.
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