Home Movies TV Series

Watch The Kings of the World movie Online free HD

The Kings of the World

watch The Kings of the World full HD movie online stream free

Country: Colombia , France , Luxembourg , Mexico , Norway
Cast: Carlos Andres Castañeda , Brahian Acevedo , Davinson Florez , Cristian Campaña , Cristian David
Info: The Kings of the World
Rá, Culebro, Sere, Winny and Nano. Five boys who live on the streets of Medellín. Five kings with no kingdom, no law, no family, set out on a journey in search of the promised land. A subversive tale told through a wild and endearing clan, somewhere between reality and delirium. A journey to nowhere, where everything happens.
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  • Server: 1 uqload ADD: 9 months ago 720P
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Home Movies TV Series