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Watch World War III movie Online free HD

World War III

watch World War III full HD movie online stream free

Country: Iran
Genre: Drama , Movies
Cast: Mohsen Tanabande , Mahsa Hejazi , Neda Jebraeili , Navid Nosrati , Morteza Khanjani
Info: World War III
Shakib is a homeless day laborer who never got over the loss of his wife and son in an earthquake years ago. Over the last couple of years, he has developed a relationship with a deaf and mute woman, Ladan. The construction site on which he works today turns out to be the set of a film about the atrocities committed by Hitler during WWII. Against all odds, he is given a movie role, a house and a chance at being somebody. When Ladan learns about this, she comes to his workplace begging for help. Shakib’s scheme to hide her goes tragically wrong and threatens to ruin his newfound status and what seemed to be the opportunity of a lifetime.
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